2014年CRI 习近平主席抵达委内瑞拉进行国事访问 乌克兰武装称找到MH17黑匣子(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping is now in Venezuela for the third leg of his four-nation Latin America tour.

The trip to Venezulea comes on the 40th anniversary of the two countries forging diplomatic ties.

As part of his time there, Xi Jinping is expected to oversee the signing of a number of business deals in areas including high-tech, finance, agriculture and infrastructure construction.

He's also due to meet with Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro.

Rebels in eastern Ukraine say the black boxes from downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 have been located.

A rebel leader in Donetsk says they would be handed over to international experts if they arrive.

At the same time, the remains of close to 200 people have been loaded on to refrigerated train cars, to be taken to an unknown destination.

International monitors have viewed the bodies located in the refrigerated wagons near the crash site.

The Ukrainian authorities and the separatists are working on the details of the transfer of the bodies.
