2014年CRI 李克强总理察看云南鲁甸地震灾情 质检总局要求严防埃博拉传入中国(在线收听


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is urging a fast and all-out effort in the search for survivors of the earthquake in Ludian County, Yunnan Province.

He is currently in the quake zone overseeing the effort.

Meanwhile, blocked roads and rain have hampered the relief effort.

Many roads leading to some of the worst hit areas remain impassable.

Medical experts are also emphasizing the importance of racing against time to find more survivors, adding that houses made of mud and wood are comparatively easy to search.

The 6.5-magnitude earthquake in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Monday has left 398 dead and thousands injured.

Authorities in China have ordered strengthened customs inspections to prevent the deadly Ebola virus from entering the country.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine has announced enhanced inspection procedures for all airlines inbound from regions affected by Ebola.

Sanitary measures on incoming vehicles and goods will also be stepped up.

Imports on some special goods and animal products will be suspended, while the authorities will also try to raise awareness among travelers bound foraffected regions.

Four countries in West Africa have reported more than eight hundred deaths from Ebola, with more than 13-hundred infected since the beginning of March.
