乔布斯传 第349期:苹果坠落(2)(在线收听

   Windows 95, which was released in 1995, became the most successful operating system ever, and Macintosh sales began to collapse. 1995年8月发布的Windows 95成为有史以来最成功的操作系统,而麦金塔的销售量开始暴跌。

  "Microsoft simply ripped off what other people did," Jobs later said. “微软只是剽窃他人的成果,然后坚持下去,利用它对IBM兼容机的控制。”乔布斯后来说,
  "Apple deserved it. After I left, it didn't invent anything new. The Mac hardly improved. It was a sitting duck for Microsoft." “苹果也是活该。我离开后,它没有发明任何新东西。Mac几乎没有改进。面对微软,它只能坐以待毙。”
  His frustration with Apple was evident when he gave a talk to a Stanford Business School club at the home of a student, 乔布斯对苹果的沮丧是显而易见的。有一次,他在一个学生家里给斯坦福商学院俱乐部成员演讲,
  who asked him to sign a Macintosh keyboard. 那个学生请他在一个麦金塔的键盘上签名。
  Jobs agreed to do so if he could remove the keys that had been added to the Mac after he left. 乔布斯说,如果能把他离开苹果后加到Mac上的键都拿掉,就可以签名。
  He pulled out his car keys and pried off the four arrow cursor keys, which he had once banned, 他拿出汽车钥匙,抠掉了他曾经禁止使用的四个箭头光标按键,
  as well as the top row of F1, F2, F3...function keys. 还有最上面一行的“FI 、 F2 、F3……”等功能键。
  "I'm changing the world one keyboard at a time," he deadpanned. Then he signed the mutilated keyboard. “我在一次一个键盘地改变世界。”他面无表情地说。然后他在残缺不全的键盘上签了名。
  During his 1995 Christmas vacation in Kona Village, Hawaii, 1995年圣诞节,在夏威夷的康娜度假村休假时,
  Jobs went walking along the beach with his friend Larry Ellison, the irrepressible Oracle chairman. 乔布斯跟他的朋友甲骨文强势的董事长拉里·埃利森在海滩散步。
  They discussed making a takeover bid for Apple and restoring Jobs as its head. 他们讨论收购苹果,然后让乔布斯回去重掌大局。
  Ellison said he could line up $3 billion in financing: 埃利森说他可以安排30亿美元的融资。
  "I will buy Apple, you will get 25% of it right away for being CEO, and we can restore it to its past glory." “我会买下苹果,你作为CEO会立即获得25%的股份,我们可以重现它过去的辉煌。”
  But Jobs demurred. "I decided I'm not a hostile-takeover kind of guy," he explained. 但是乔布斯却表示反对。“我认定我不是那种能做恶意收购的人,”他解释说,
  "If they had asked me to come back, it might have been different." “如果他们请我回去,那就不一样了。”