经济学人:丘吉尔 演讲时的灵魂人物(2)(在线收听

   “Churchill's Secret”, a made-for-TV film released in February 2016, and “The Crown”, a series which made its debut on Netflix in November 2016,  电视电影《丘吉尔的秘密》发行于2016年2月,2016年11月在网飞公司首次登台亮相的电视剧《皇冠》

  focused on his second term as prime minister, from 1951 to 1955, but used this to consider his former glory and highlight the respect he commanded across the parliamentary divide. 讲述丘吉尔在1951年到1955年作为首相的第二个任期,着重叙述了他过往的荣誉并且突出刻画了他在议会分歧中所受到的尊重。
  The second season of “The Crown”, expected this year, is likely to cover Churchill's death in 1965, allowing for further reflections on his greatness. 《皇冠》第二季有望在今年播出,将可能会覆盖到1965年丘吉尔逝世,也会涉及到他更加深刻的伟大之处。
  “Churchill”, the latest film, will be released in Britain on June 16th;  最新的电影《丘吉尔》将于6月16日在英国发行,
  it follows the prime minister as he clashes with allied military commanders in the lead-up to the D-Day landings. 它着重讲述了作为首相的他与联盟的军事指挥官在准备诺曼底登陆时的分歧。
  Hagiographic in tone, its script contains such gems as "I just saved the war!", "You'll always be the man who led us through this" and "It's no easy matter being a leader." 它的脚本以一种理想化传记的口吻讲述,其中包括“我刚刚挽救了战争”、“你是带领我们战胜这一切的人”和“成为领袖并非易事”之类的话。
  Viewers can expect more of the same fare from “Darkest Hour”, a film set in 1940 that is due to be released in January next year. 将于明年一月发行的《黑暗时刻》的背景定于1940年,观众可以看到更多类似的情节。
  Churchill will doubtless be evoked throughout the Brexit negotiations. 在英国退欧谈判中无疑将唤起对于丘吉尔的记忆。
  But the effect may be more poignant than stirring. 而这种效果可能比所谓的激动人心更为深刻。
  On hearing that the great statesman had died, Charles de Gaulle, his French counterpart, remarked: “Britain is no longer a great power.” 当听到这位伟大的政治家逝世时,法国总统戴高乐曾说:“英国不再是一个大国了。”
  As the country begins haggling for a new place in the world, with no steady hand at the rudder, the truth of that remark will become painfully clear. 当一个国家开始为了在世界上的一个新的定位而讨价还价却没有一双有力的手来掌握方向时,戴高乐总统的那句话就显得格外清晰。