听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 Notorious - 4(在线收听

My shoes!
Your shoes! My shoes!
I just bought mine!
I just bought mine in New York!
Oh, my pants!
My blouse!
My hair!
My! My!
My! Oh my!
Er, Bag of misery! Bag of misery! Bag, of misery~~~
Yeah! I know you're right! I, er. I'm sorry about dinging on. I'll just get outta your way.
Oh, well, that's a shame because my family just moved here from Atlanta, and it's my senior year in a brand-new school, and I'm just so utterly, utterly lost.
You are a senior?
Misery Bag!
Old misery Bag!
Look, I know you're right. Are you doing anything right now?
Oh, then you're gonna wanna get these.
Desiree Emmeline Holenger Beaumont. But you may call me Desiree.
Eric Matthews. You may call me Desiree.

A rumor was going around school that the "Weeny" headline was just a typo, that nobody did it. Like I don't exist. Check it out. Now I exist. I am somebody.
Things of beauty, ah?
I snuck in early this morning and changed it. Looks like the real thing, doesn't it?
Except for this drip. Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, you are out of control.
Yeah, I am. Tell your friends.
There's your man, Mr. Weeny.
Mr. Feeny, I did not paint this "W".
And the headline in the school newspaper?
It wasn't me.
Mr. Matthews, our own esteemed Janitor Bud, placed you at the scene of the crime.
I see him with my good eye.
Well, that will be all, Janitor Bud.
Hi-hi sir! Outta my way you little puke machine.
Scene of the crime?
Janitor Bud said he saw you and another boy toying with the computer after school. Unfortunately, he didn't get a good look at your accomplice.
Mr. Feeny. I'm totally innocent. My hands are clean!....Ooooooh! I didn't do it! I swear!
Alright then. Give me the name of the person who did. I see. Mr. Matthews, you have until the end of school tomorrow to give me the perpetrator's name, otherwise, you will be suspended.