
   The UK exports more food to Ireland than to Canada, China, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Korea combined. 英国出口到爱尔兰的食品比出口到加拿大、中国、日本、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯和韩国加起来的还要多。

  Thus, besides Guinness, it is said that the ingredients of Bailey's Irish Cream, another drink owned by Diageo,  因此除了爱尔兰啤酒吉尼斯,据说里面有百利甜酒的成分也是由帝亚吉欧公司产出的,
  travel across the border three times before being exported in bottles. 这种饮品在瓶装出口之前需要在通过边境三次。
  Roughly a third of the milk from cows in Northern Ireland goes south for processing, while much of Ireland's cheese goes in the opposite direction. 在北爱尔兰属于英国三分之一的奶牛产出的牛奶要运送到南边做加工处理,而大部分北爱尔兰的奶酪却是要走相反的方向。
  Sheep and cows are frequently driven across the border for slaughtering. 羊和牛也经常被运送到两边的边境去屠宰。
  Economies of scale mean that it does not make any sense to have two processing plants on the island for most foods; that could be threatened by a hard border. 而规模经济意味着有两个加工厂对食物进行加工是没有任何意义的,这可能会受到强硬边境政策威胁。
  To complicate matters, food and drink have always been among the most sensitive products in the EU. 更糟的是,食物和饮品在欧盟地区的进出口是最易受影响的。
  Michel Barnier, the European Commission's Brexit negotiator, has said flatly that after Brexit 100% of imports of animals and animal products from Britain will be subject to border controls. 米歇尔·巴尼耶是欧盟委员会关于英国脱欧的谈判专家,他说过英国脱欧后所有的进口的牲畜和与其相关的产品将进行边境控制。
  If a putative free-trade deal with America were ever to come about, Britain might well allow the import of chlorine-washed chicken and genetically modified foods. 假定英国和美国之间的自由贸易协定会生效,那么将使英国可能会允许进口氯洗鸡和转基因食物。
  Given the public's hostility to these things, nobody in Brussels could possibly risk letting them cross into the EU by the back door of the Irish border. 鉴于公众对于这些事情的敌对情绪,欧盟不可能冒着风险让这些食物走爱尔兰边境的“后门”从而进入欧盟地区。