2014年CRI 伊拉克总理马利基同意下台 世卫称埃博拉空中旅行传播风险低(在线收听


Embattled Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has agreed to step aside, ending the country's recent political deadlock.

The decision follows a meeting between Maliki and Haider al-Abadi, a deputy speaker of parliament, who's been nominated by Iraq's president to form a new government.

Maliki had been under growing pressure to give up his bid for a third term as head of government as the appetite has grown to select a new PM who is more acceptable to the country's Sunni and Kurd populations.

The World Health Organization has once again stated that the risk of transmission of the Ebola virus during air travel remains low.

This comes as many nations are considering whether to suspend flights from countries in West Africa affected by the deadly disease.

Although the World Health Organization has identified Kenya as a high risk area for Ebola transmission, Kenya Airways says it has decided not to suspend flights to West Africa.

Elsewhere in the world, East Africa's Mozambique has announced new preventive measures, including screening all travelers directly flying from affected countries and flying via Kenya.

The United States has ordered family members of its diplomats to leave Sierra Leone.
