2014年CRI 奥巴马派司法部长调查黑人青年被杀事件 利比里亚17名埃博拉患者失踪(在线收听


US President Barack Obama is sending Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson, Missouri, to investigate the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white policeman.

The decision follows days of violent protests in the St. Louis suburb.

Holder has already authorized a federal autopsy on the body of Michael Brown, the unarmed 18-year-old who was shot on Aug. 9.

An independent autopsy results determined that Brown was shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

Missouri's governor, Jay Nixon, called in the National Guard early Monday after police again used tear gas to quell protests that have taken place nightly since Brown's death.

Obama says he can't make any judgments about the situation in Ferguson until the investigation is complete.

Liberian authorities are continuing to search for 17 people who left an Ebola medical centre over the weekend after it was attacked by looters.

Officials say the weekend chaos in Monrovia highlights the growing unease in Liberia amid the mounting Ebola death toll.

Liberia has reported over 400 Ebola-related deaths so far, the highest number of Ebola deaths among the affected West African countries.

The overall death toll stands at some 1,100.

Meantime, Guinea is stepping up sanitary measures along its borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone, to prevent people infected with the Ebola virus from entering or leaving the country.
