2014年CRI 伊拉克极端组织发布斩首美国记者视频 安徽煤矿爆炸27人仍被困井下(在线收听


Islamic State insurgents has released a video purportedly showing the beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley, who had gone missing in Syria nearly two years ago.

The video, titled "A Message To America," was posted on social media sites after the United States resumed air strikes in Iraq.

The White House said it was working to establish the video's authenticity, but if it was genuine, the US would be "appalled by the brutal murder".

Islamic State also released images of another U.S. journalist whose life they said depended on U.S. action in Iraq.

Twenty-seven people remain trapped after an explosion in a coal mine in east China's Anhui Province.

There were 39 miners working underground. Twelve have been rescued, with one of them in hospital suffering from burns.

Rescue work continues, but has encountered difficulties after part of the coal mine tunnel collapsed.

The local government had ordered all coal mines to suspend production due to the flood season, but the privately owned mine did not obey the order.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation..
