2014年CRI 我国部分地区遭遇暴雨侵袭 李克强同罗马尼亚总理蓬塔会谈(在线收听


Heavy rains which have been pelting various parts of China since Sunday have been triggering floods, landslides, and significant traffic disruptions.

Severe rainstorms have been battering Chongqing , triggering landslides that killed three people and left 11 others missing.

The heavy rains have also caused the water levels in the Three Gorges reservoir to swell to a record high for this year's flood season.

Continuous storms have also been sweeping through different parts of eastern and central China, causing more than 100 landslides in Hubei.

Forecasters have also issued a storm alert for northern China, with some parts of Beijing and the surrounding province of Hebei being hit by heavy rainstormsas well.

China and Romania have signed four cooperation deals covering energy, finance and infrastructure construction.

This follows talks between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and visiting Romanian Prime Minister Victor-Viorel Ponta in Beijing.

Li Keqiang is suggesting stronger energy cooperation, including nuclear, thermal and wind power.

He also says the Chinese side also wants to speed up a joint study on a high-speed railway project linking Bucharest and Constanta.

For his part, Ponta says Romania wants to strengthen its cooperation with China in infrastructure construction.
