2014年CRI 中国举行高规格抗战纪念活动 普京与乌总统波罗申科进行对话(在线收听


China has marked the 69th anniversary of the victory over Japan in World War II with a high-profile ceremony and a symposium attended by the country's top leadership, including Chinese president and premiereXi Jinipng and Li Keqiang.

Xi Jinping notes that China's fight against fascist forces was the longest in World War II, playing a decisive role in the ultimate destruction of the Japanese military forces.

The president has also taken time to criticize Japanese political organizations and politicians who continue to deny facts and international justice connected to the war.

This is the first time China has commemorated September 3rd as Victory Day since the government made it an official observance day.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has held a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of a new round of peace talks in Minsk, expressing hopes that a peace deal will be reached by tomorrow.

Representatives of Ukraine, the rebels and Russia are due to meet tomorrow in Belarus.

Putin's has put forward a 7-point proposal to end the violence in eastern Ukraine, which include international monitoring team and the exchange of hostages.

Putin says he hopes a peace deal will be reached by tomorrow, a comment echoed later by Poroshenko.
