2014年CRI 中国将向联合国粮农组织捐赠5000万美元 外交部敦促英方在港事务上谨言慎行(在线收听


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has announced a 50 million US dollar cash injection from China to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization over the next five years.

Li Keqiang has made the pledge at the FAO headquarters in Rome on the eve of World Food Day today.

The Chinese Premier says the new funding will be used to help developing countries.

The Chinese and Italian governments at the meantime have also issued a joint declaration, vowing to strengthen cooperation in areas including security and law enforcement.

The two sides have also agreed to simplify visa procedures and cooperate at the Milan World Expo next year.

Li Keqiang is due to attend a meeting of Asian and European leaders in Milan today and tomorrow before returning to China.

The Chinese government is once again warning other countries not to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs.

The statement comes after the British Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office submitted a written declaration related to Hong Kong issuesto the UK Parliament.

Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a statement, urging the the British side to speak and act cautiously and not to send any wrong signals.

The British government periodically reviews issues related to Hong Kong, even though the UK returned the territory to China in 1997.
