2014年CRI 中国再向西非埃博拉疫区提供1600万美元援助 安倍向靖国神社献供品(在线收听


The Chinese government is promising around 16 million U.S. dollars in additional aid to help West Africa fight the Ebola outbreak.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has made the pledge while attending the Asia-Europe Summit Meeting in Milan, Italy.

Meantime, as part of the summit itself, the Chinese Premier also introduced a three-point proposal, calling for improved inter-connectivity between Asia and Europe, including a more liberal investment environment, to create a single Eurasian market.

He says China is willing to work with regional countries to build an inter-connected Eurasian infrastructure network.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo today, a move that might complicate his push for bilateral meetings with leaders in China and South Korea.

The Yasukuni Shrine, which honors 14 Class-A World War II criminalsis, is seen by critics as symbol of Japan's past militarism.

Both the Chinese and South Korean government have opposed the visiting or sending offering to the shrime by Japanese politicians.

Other Japanese lawmakers, possibly including one or more cabinet ministers, are expected to pay a visit to the shrine later today, which is the start of Japan's autumn festival.
