2014年CRI 十八届四中全会首次关注依法治国 习近平主席特使将出席印尼总统就职仪式(在线收听


The Communist Party of China is set to begin a key meeting today which will discuss the rule of law.

The fourth plenum of the Party's 18th Central Committee will run through Thursday here in Beijing.

Observers say this is the first time a CPC session will center on the rule of law.

It's also being suggested the plans announced out of the session will be significant on both the domestic and international scene.

Observers are suggesting the implementation of the 'rule of law' will help aid the government's current drive to eliminate corruption and help the CPC overcome resistance to reform by those who would prefer the status quo.

A special envoy for Chinese President Xi Jinping is going to be China's lead representative at the inauguration of the new Indonesian president later on today.

Yan Junqi is vice chair of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature.

Joko Widodo, the former governor of Jakarta, is going to be sworn-in later on today as the Indonesian president.

One of his first tests is going to be dealing with the country's fuel-subsidy program.
