2014年CRI 嫦娥五号测试飞行器顺利返回 北京单双号限行10天今起实施(在线收听


Officials in charge China's Chang'e lunar program are describing the latest mission as a breakthrough.

A test orbiter has returned to Earth after an eight-day trip around the moon.

The recovered spacecraft is now in the hands of scientists in Beijing, who are conducting further tests in preparation for future lunar probes.

The mission itself was designed to get data and test technology used when re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.

This is in preparation for the Chang'e 5 lunar mission in 2017.

That mission is meant to send the probe to the moon, and have it return to Earth after collecting soil samples.

A number of traffic restrictions are being put in-place starting today here in Beijing to improve the air quality and limit traffic ahead of the APEC Leaders' Meeting this month.

Municipal authorities are planning to restrict around 70 percent of the government's fleet of vehicles.

This represents around 19-thousand vehicles.

An odd-even license plate policy for cars, including those from outside Beijing, is also being put in-place today.

This is going to last for the next 10-days.

The APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting is slated to take place November 10th and 11th.
