2014年CRI 北京APEC领导人会议周今开幕 李克强会见卡塔尔埃米尔(在线收听


Security has been increased around the venues, hotels and routes for diplomats here in Beijing for the start of the APEC meetings today.

The Public Security Bureau in Beijing has established an information sharing system to deal with security concerns.

Heavy security has been set up around Yanqi Lake, which is one of the main venues for the meetings in the northeastern suburbs of Beijing.

Increased security has also been put in-place along the Beijing subway system, with police conducting mandatory identification checks heading into high- traffic areas.

The governments of China and Qatar have issued a pledge to deepen oil and gas cooperation.

The promise has been made during a meeting between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad al-Thani.

As part of the meeting, Li Keqiang is calling on Qatar to allow Chinese companies take part in more exploration in Qatar.

He's also asking for stronger Chinese involvement in Qatar's petrochemical industry.

For his part, the Qatari Emir is calling for more Chinese investment in Qatar.
