2014年CRI 习近平首提亚太梦想 伊斯兰国首领被指在空袭中受伤(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping has put forward a vision of a Chinese-driven "Asia-Pacific dream" at the APEC CEO summit in Beijing.

Xi Jinping delivered the keynote address, with over 1,500 business leaders from 21 APEC member economies and 17 other countries attending.

He says his proposed Asia-Pacific Dream involves creating a more vibrant regional economy with free trade and better investment facilitation, good roads and closer people-to-people exchanges among the 21 APEC members.

In order to achieve this, he says the region should redouble its efforts to forge a partnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness, cooperation and jointly build an open economy.

Iraqi officials say an airstrike has injured the leader of the Islamic State.

Iraqi security forces claim Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been injured during a weekend airstrike while meeting with other militants in Iraq's western province of Anbar.

Pentagon officials say they have no information to verify the claim.

Meantime, US President Barack Obama says the deployment of 15-hundred more US troops to Iraq marks a "new phase" against the Islamic State.

The additional 15-hundred troops nearly doubles the current US contingent.

As with previous US troop deployments, the US soldiers are meant to only assist in the training of the Iraqi military, and will not be involved in combat operations.
