2014年CRI 山东寿光食品厂大火致18人死亡 奥巴马证实美国人质被伊斯兰国杀害(在线收听


At least 18 people have been killed after a fire broke out in a vegetable packaging plant yesterday in the city of Shouguang in Shandong.

13 others have been hospitalized.

The fire has been put out.

Police are investigating into what caused the incident.

The Chinese government is promising to release details of its strategic oil reserves in a more timely manner.

Chinese President Xi Jinping made the pledge at the now-concluded G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia.

China is the world's second-largest oil consumer after the United States.

The inventories of the world's major oil consumers has significant impact on international oil futures.

US President Barack Obama has confirmed the death of US aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, who has been beheaded by Islamic State militants.

Kassig was captured by the Islamic State over a year ago.

Kassig's father says his son was doing humanitarian work in Syria when he was taken by the militant group.

The Islamic State posted details of Kassig's murder on its twitter account.

This is now the 5th victim beheaded by the group on video.

The other victims include two American journalists and two British aid workers.
