Business Channel 2007-05-31&06-02(在线收听

Alright now though those are starting to get very nasty, and that is not exaggeration. We are talking about the battle between fired Wal-Mart marketing executive Julie Roehm and the world's biggest retailer. Roehm is making some startling accusations in new court documents filed today. Let us show you Wal-Mart shares, some, you can see 46.81. Wall Street Journals Lee Hawkins has been going through the documents. You are working on this story. Lee., what have you seen?

Erine, some potentially damaging allegations raised in court filings today by Julie Roehm, the former Wal-Mart executive who was fired for allegedly having in an affair with her subordinate and inappropriately accepting gifts from suppliers. Now, in a filing in Federal Court in Detroit, Roehm took shots at Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott and other top managers, contending the company applied its ethics policy selectively and that she was unfairly singled out. In the filing, she claims Wal-Mart looked the other way when top management conducted sexual affairs with subordinates. She also says they accepted travel and concert tickets and received preferential pricing on yacht and jewelry, all under the same ethics policy that brought about her own dismissal from the company. She even implicated Lee Scott, claiming that he and his family engaged for several years in an unethical business relationship with Irwin Jacobs, the financier. She alleges Mr. Scott purchased several yachts and jewelry from Mr. Jacobs' company at a discount and that Wal-Mart failed to prevent Mr. Scott's son from leaving Wal-Mart to accept a job from Mr. Jacobs' company, Jacobs Trading Company. She also says Mr. Scott gave Jacobs the exclusive right to purchase unsold Wal-Mart merchandise. And Jacobs has denied all allegations made by Roehm and Wal-Mart has declined to comment. But as you can see from this, this complaint here, this nasty fight is getting dirtier and dirtier, so be sure to tune in at four, as we will have more details then, back to you.
