访谈录 Interview 2007-01-13&15, 走近两度夺取奥斯卡的影后(在线收听

Hilary Swank is something very rare in Hollywood—a two-time Best Actress Oscar winner, she won for "Million Dollar Baby" of course in 2005 and it came just 5 years after winning for “Boys Don't Cry”, and she's back in theaters right now in a great movie, she plays a real inner-city teacher, try and inspire her students to new movie called Freedom Writers. Hilary Swank, good morning.

Good morning.

It's great to have you here.

Thanks. It's great to be here.

And the movie is lovely.

Thank you.

Do you get used to be called a 2-time Oscar winner?

No, I have to tell you when I heard you saying that just now, I just thought Gosh, it's such a strange thing to hear. It's amazing, it still hits me all the time and I assume it probably always will.

And you are the third youngest ever to do that,(yeah)Do you know the other two are?

Judy Foster and....

Louis Raner(Yes), the big silent film star.

That's right. I barely remember that's a little early for me.

Yeah, it's a little early for that, for movie retrieve.

You also got your star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this week.
Right? What was that?

Yes, I did on Monday. It was amazing! You know, I have to tell you I cried from the second I pulled up until the second I left, my mom was there, my grandfather was there and all these people who've just believed in me and you know, helped get me there. And I was just, it was just such a great honor, the thing that I'm gonna be there on that street, I walked that street as a little girl and saw the stars, and I never thought my wildest dreams I would be there.

Yeah, your mom, you guys came to Los Angeles all for what, 75 dollars in you pocket. Everybody knows your story.

Uh what was the best piece of advice you think she gave you?

Uh, the best piece of advice hands down my mom told me to believe in myself. It's the best gift I've ever been given and I'm sure that's I've ever received that I think it's the most important thing you can give a kid, and actually, to, you know, talk about Erin Gruwell , the movie.

It's really the story of the movie.

That's what it is to me.

It really is.

You know, that's exactly what this movie is, is about the power of someone who believes in you and how that one person can change your life and make all the difference.

It's a story of a real teacher. This was her first teaching job we're talking about 1994, sort of a post-Reni King. Los Angeles and she inherits this group of racially diverse kids. This class, the system is sort of given-up on. (right) in long beach California. Take a look at the clip and then, talk about it. (Great)

We are each gonna make a toast for change? And what that means is from this moment on, every voice that told you, you can't is silenced. Every reason that tells you things will never change disappears. And the person you were before this moment, that person's turn is over. Now it's your turn.

Oh, she really dared these kids to dream(yeah), didn't she? And she was, but she was naive and inexperienced, do you think that helped her in the situation?

I certainly think it helps her to think outside of the box, you know, she didn't have experience of how to do it and she was just honor toast all the time, and I really love that scene because I think it's, one of the, it's that's what she said I believe in you, I'm giving you this gift but you have to do the work. And you know, they ultimately did the work, they are the real heroes because of that, and I just think, uh you know, you make a choice everyday to make your life what you want and they took their own lives and their own hands. And it's just they are so inspiring.

Do you think that she saved their lives in a way by encouraging them to write in document their experiences that she talked them about, the history of injustice against other racial groups, she talked the "holocaust" that (Absolutely) the gun fighting in everything that was going on within and then, that they weren't alone.

Yes, you know, I think she absolutely gave them that gift, it just makes you realize that er, you know, to learn things like that, it's everything. You know, ignorance. I think one of the biggest catalysts of her problems in our world and so you know, they, they opened up their mind and we are willing to see people for who they are.

When you look at your other roles, the ones you won the Oscar for "Boys, don't cry" and "Million Dollar Baby" like this one. This teacher that you played, these are women that, maybe people told them, hey you can do what it is you wanna do, but they fight through the pain, you know, with so much determination. Are these, is something a kind of role you really like?

Well, it's certainly you can see the dots they are connected.
A little bit, yes.

I mean so. It's not anything that I kind of search doubt for or thought, Oh, this is how I wanna plan it out. It just happens to be the roles that I think I'm really drown too, you know, I, I, I'm drown to the outsider roles, the kind of, you know, ordinary person, in an extraordinary experience cause I think the world is full of those people and I'd like to tell those stories.

And you've been through, I know, a tough year. You have so many fans and people who love you, how are you doing?

I'm doing actually I am doing really good, and that's because of, you know......