2015年CRI 十二届全国人大三次会议昨闭幕 徐才厚癌症恶化医治无效死亡(在线收听


This year's annual political sessions have come to an end in Beijing.

Deputies to the National People's Congress have approved a number of documents during the sessions, including the government work report, the national economic and social development plan as well as the central budget.

Addressing the closing session, Zhang Dejiang, Chair of the NPC Standing Committee, has stressed the importance of reform and the rule of law in the advancement of the Chinese society.

The event has been capped off by the traditional news conference from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Former vice-chair of China's Central Military Commission Xu Caihou, who had been under investigation for taking bribes and influence peddling, has died.

He succumbed to bladder cancer on Sunday.

Military prosecutors say they're still planning to move forward to recover his illegal gains.

Xu Caihou had already been expelled from the Communist Party and had his military rank stripped from him as well.
