2015年CRI 福建PX项目火情反复 中央发文保障职工权利(在线收听


Fires have been raging on and off at a chemical plant in Fujian for nearly 60 hours since an initial fire on Monday night triggered an explosion at the PX plant.

Two storage tanks at the plant in Zhangzhou caught fire yesterday after the original blaze was distinguished a day earlier.

Authorities say the newest fire is under control.

However, strong winds have been making it difficult to keep the fire contained.

Police and soldiers have helped evacuate some 29-thousand people living near the plant.

Officials say no excessive pollution is being detected at the villages where the people have been moved from.

The Chinese government is promising reforms to both the welfare and wage payment systems.

The move is meant to address issues arising from labor disputes.

New guidelines say steps will be taken to make sure employees are paid on-time, and in full.

Programs are also going to be established to offer guaranteed financial support for migrant workers.

They are often the victims of unscrupulous employers.

At the same time, the new regulations will ensure employees will be given holidays without compromising their wages.
