2015年CRI 中国正式发布水十条 猎狐2015启动半月20名境外逃犯落网(在线收听


The Chinese government has unveiled a nationwide action plan to combat water pollution.

The plan aims to reduce pollutants, improve drinking water and promote water saving.

Under the plan, more than 70 percent of the water in the country's major river valleys should be in good condition by 2020.

Small factories in sectors including papermaking, insecticides and tanning will be shut down by the end of 2016.

The government will also implement progressive surcharges for excessive non-residential water use by the end of 2020.

The number of Chinese fugitives wanted for economic crimes who have been captured since the beginning of this month has reached 20.

The group has been rounded up under the "Fox Hunt 2015" campaign.

The Ministry of Public Security says efforts will be made to improve the database of economic fugitives in order to advance the operation.

Chinese authorities have been working with global law enforcement to track down corrupt officials who have fled overseas after stealing public funds.

Last year's campaign saw the return of 680 fugitives.
