2015年CRI 习近平出席亚非领导人会议并发表重要讲话 李克强考察福建自贸区(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping has delivered a speech at a leaders meeting at this year's Asian-African summit in Indonesia.

In the speech, President Xi has called for deepening of regional and inter-regional development to promote the freedom and feasibility of trade and investment.

The president stresses the move will help countries to achieve mutual economic growth.

The Chinese president has announced that China will grant duty-free privileges to the least developed countries with which it has diplomatic ties on 97 percent of imported products, and will do so within the year.

He has also said China will offer 100,000 training places for developing countries in Asia and Africa.

Premier Li Keqiang is calling for stronger reforms in the country's pilot Free Trade Zones.

He made the call during a visit to Fujian, one of three locations where new Free Trade Zones have been officially launched.

The others are in Tianjin and Guangdong.

Li Keqiang says FTZs should be a powerhouse of reforms instead of becoming places for favorable policies.

The Fujian FTZ is tailored to try to attract investment from Taiwan due to its proximity to the island and the existing economic ties.
