2015年CRI 中日韩第七轮自贸协定谈判在首尔启动 我国实际吸毒人数估计超1400万(在线收听


A new round of negotiations among China, South Korea and Japan connected to a trilateral free trade agreement are set to take place in Seoul later on today.

The 7th round of negotiations is slated to run until Wednesday.

The three countries are due to discuss a wide range of issues, including goods, services, investment, customs, intellectual property rights and e-commerce.

New official figures suggest the number of drug users in China currently sits at around 14-million.

The number of registered drug users came in at close to 3-million as of the end of last year.

Registered drug users are those who have sought medical treatment or have run into legal problems through drug use.

Chinese authorities have acknowledged their anti-drug campaign is being overshadowed by both increasing numbers of drug users and stronger, more addictive drugs.
