美国有线新闻 CNN 中国总理抵达秘鲁进行正式访问(在线收听


The diversification of bilateral economic ties between the two countries will be high on the premier's agenda.

China's trade volume with Peru reached 14.32 billion U.S. dollars in 2014, with a bilateral free trade pact having been implemented for five years.

China's investment in Peru had also reached 14 billion dollars by the end of 2014.

Peruvian diplomat Juan Carlos Carpnoy says China and Peru complement each other's economies.

"As to the relationship between China and Peru, there are three important elements. First, the economies are complementary.

The free-trade agreement between China and Peru makes China the most important trade partner of Peru ahead of Europe and America.

Second is technological interaction. The agreements signed recently have proved this point. And finally, the political consensus between us.

Both of us have joined APEC and other groups in the Asia-pacific region. "

During the Premier's visit to Brazil, he and the Brazilian leader also agreed to begin studying the feasibility of a railway,

which connects the Brazilian Atlantic coast with the Peruvian Pacific coast.

The project aims to improve regional connectivity, as well as to boost economic and trade cooperation between China and Latin America, including with Peru.

Huang Huimin, the Chinese ambassador to Peru, says that besides this, there's still huge potential for the two countries to cooperate in trade and economic development.

"Our friends show great interest in China's 'one belt and one road initiative'.

As a pacific gateway, Peru has kept a close relationship with China and other countries around the Pacific Ocean.

Hopefully we can build a community of interests and seek development for both sides through cooperation."

During Premier Li Keqiang's stay in Peru, he is also due to attend cultural exchanges activities with Peruvian authorities.

Peru is the third leg of the Chinese premier's four-nation tour to Latin America after Brazil and Colombia. He will also visit Chile.

For CRI, I'm Luo Bin.
