2015年CRI 最高检介入调查鲁山养老院火灾事故 最高法复核复旦投毒案死刑判决(在线收听


China's top prosecutorial body has joined a central government team investigating this week's fatal fire in a nursing home in Henan which left 38 elderly people dead.

Prosecutors will be looking for any evidence of criminal activity involved in the deadly fire, including possible dereliction of duty or abuse of power.

China's safety watchdog says the preliminary probe is pointing to the poor construction of the building itself,

as well as lax safety management, as one of the reasons behind the high fatality rate at the nursing home in the city of Pingdingshan.

Poorly-designed fire exits and a slow emergency response by employees in the facility are also being probed.

The Supreme People's Court has heard an appeal to commute the death sentence handed down to a former Fudan University medical student who murdered his roommate.

Lin Senhao took a toxic chemical from a university lab and put it in their shared water dispenser in their dorm room in March of 2013.

Lin's roommate later died.

In his original trial, Lin argued he did not mean to kill his roommate, suggesting instead that he was trying to play a practical joke on him.

However, the courts, including an appeals courts in Shanghai, have rejected that argument, upholding the death sentence.

The Supreme People's Court is planning to deliver its judgment on the appeal at a later date.
