2015年CRI 头号疑犯杨秀珠在美国被拘 韩国类SARS疑患入境广东(在线收听


The US Immigration says it has detained a fugitive Chinese official wanted on corruption charges by Chinese government.

Yang Xiuzhu, former vice mayor of Wenzhou in Zhejiang, is being held on immigration charges.

She is accused of running off with over 250-million yuan worth of bribes for construction projects in the city.

Yang tops a Chinese government list for corrupt officials fleeing abroad.

Its unclear whether the suspect will be turned over to Chinese authorities.

Health authorities in Guangdong are treating the first suspected case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS.

The patient is a South Korean national.

Thirty-Five people with known close contact with the man are now under observation.

MERS is a form of corona virus, similar to SARS.

Mortality rates run above 40-percent and there's no vaccine for the virus.
