访谈录 Interview 2007-03-17&19, 如何解决军队里的同性恋问题(在线收听

In time now for three of the country’s best radio talk show hosts to join me, Mark Simone WABC, New York, Charles Goyette KFNX, Phoenix, Arizona and in Chicago, WGN Steve Cochran.

Good to have you gentlemen with us Steve, let's start with you ---- Gays in the military--- don’t ask, don’t tell. You just heard General Green say it may be time after this war. And let’s hope that it’s soon to review, for the military to review that policy.

Well, I completely agree. And you know how much I respect General Green, so I think it’s nice to hear somebody with that amount of leadership experience say it’s time to take a look at it. The unfortunate thing is the words of General Pace are damaging ---- they are out there. I respect the fact that he takes a step back and reconsidered it, but his personal beliefs are not germane here and the fear is what surprises me. There’s all this talk about the fact that this could damage the military, you know what, we’re not gonna see feather buoys complimenting fatigues and ten mile rounds with, you know, ten mile rounds with full packs down their shown tunes, it's not gonna happen. We need able-bodied men and women who are going to be able to fight and serve this country and spell some of the folks at around the third or fourth tours.

Absolutely. And Charles Goyette, the idea the General Paces, person. I have to tell you, I think man, like any American is entitled to his opinion. It’s just unfortunate that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is expressing a, a personal opinion that has to be attached in the minds of so many to his role as Chairman the Joint Chiefs.

We look at him for his opinion about, about military policy procedures and what makes for an effective fighting force. This is the home of very gloom water out of here in Arizona who said, look, you don’t need to, you don’t need to be straight to be in the military, you just need to be able to shoot straight.

Well, I think, (So straight.) does it work? How about you, Mark?

Well, it was a shock to me to hear him say that, and, obviously I don't agree with him. But I think he’s just a very very traditional old-fashion guy. The question is, is it gonna contaminate the decision making? Hopefully not.

Yeah, people forget this is also the same general who appeared down in Miami, a year ago talking about illegal immigration on behave of the Bush administration. I, I, personally I prefer general stick to general work and leave the rest of it to the civilians who got enough abject fools working at those jobs. The idea, that the Attorney General, and this is, an unintentional segregate , I sure you will see , Cochran, Attorney General Gonzalez, has he just about, has he just about done it?

Well you know what scares me is the state meeting came out with today that he can’t be expected to know --- everything that goes on with 110,000 people into the department. You know, forcibly, or allegedly forcibly pushing out U.S. attorneys is a little more than an email about the course of the day. And what frightens me more is he wouldn’t be in that meeting, not that he wouldn’t know about he ought to be in that meeting.

We’re gonna be back with

You know, Lou, we got rid of (Go ahead.) got rid of his Chief of Staffs Scooter Sampson today, but that’s only a start. At some point, Gonzalez’s gonna go himself…

It’s a tough, this is a tough month for scooters , isn’t it?

Yes, it really is, one scooter after another.

But we are not done get rid of people until the President goes and in fact, he softens the border right now, this may be the time to finally shut the border down.

Well, I promise, that’s a job that a lot of Americans don’t want to do right now.

Well, (to presence.) look at the opinion polls, looks like more Americans might want to do that job and in fact …