2015年CRI Chinese President Meets U.S. Business Delegation in Beijing(在线收听


The meeting among President Xi and U.S. delegates in Beijing is part of a regular round of talks held among Chinese and U.S. business leaders and former officials.

Addressing the meeting, Xi Jinping has told the group the relationship between China and the United States needs to be one based on mutual cooperation.

The talks themselves have focused mainly on issues such as bilateral relations, trade and infrastructure investment.

Zeng Peiyan, Chair of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, says the talks are a good way to get both sides more involved.

"President Xi Jinping's full recognition of the talks is very motivating. We are facing a long and arduous journey ahead. I believe through continued collaboration, we can deepen understanding, strengthen communications, reach more consensuses and enjoy more fruitful results."

Thomas Donohue, President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, says the relationship between China and the US is one of mutual dependence.

"Our nations share one of the most important and interdependent relationship in the world, our economies are closely tied, and how we work together will have a very (impact) on the strength and stability of the global economy."

Issues such as cyber security and regional territorial disputes have been dominating the headlines in recent months.

US Chamber chief Tom Donahue says he believes these are issues which can be solved.

"Now the conflicts and disagreements between our nations must be acknowledged and must be addressed, our leaders must work through these differences, but these differences must not undermine the great potential for collaboration. We know that this kind of leadership is possible because it's been modeled here in the dialogue, CEOs and former officials from both countries have engaged in candid and constructive exchanges, through the process we'll build mutual trust and understanding and have come up with concrete ideas for moving forward."

Xi Jinping is due to meet with US President Barack Obama in Washington next Friday.

Aside from cyber security and territorial issues, the two leaders are expected to address a number of other key issues, including nuclear issues in Iran and on the Korean peninsula, as well as trade and investment.
