万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-05-18&19, 萨科齐今日执掌法国大权(在线收听

A changing of the guard in France. The country has a new president today. President Nicolas Sarkozy arrived at the famed Elysee Palace this morning where he greeted outgoing President Jacques Chirac. Sarkozy and Chirac then shook hands in a photo opportunity before heading off to a private discussion where Chirac handed the country's secret nuclear codes over to the new president. Chirac then left the palace in a red carpet salute after 12 years in power.

Later in an elaborate ceremony, Sarkozy was officially inaugurated and given a special necklace of linked medallions engraved with the names of past French presidents as well as his own.

Sarkozy says defending human rights and fighting against global warming are his priorities for foreign policy. From MSNBC. com, I am Dara Brown.