打工姐妹花第二季 第49期:为节目试镜(在线收听

   We knew it, we got it. I knew it, I saw it! 我们知,我们行。我早知,我已见。

  Is this how you imagined it when you were laughing at all the dumb-dumbs on Cupcake Wars? 你嘲笑上节目的傻蛋们时,有想到过此情此景吗?
  I cannot believe I am auditioning to be on Cupcake Wars. 我真不敢相信我有来试镜这节目的一天。
  I am on the show I watch! Life is totally awesome. 我上了我爱看的节目!人生真是太美好了。
  Good morning. I'm the Cupcake Wars talent coordinating producer, Janis. 早安,我是决战小蛋糕之巅的参赛者制作人,洁尼丝。
  You are awesome. Your show's awesome. 你超牛逼,你的节目超牛逼。
  Who would I talk to about getting a mug to take home? 我想拿个纪念马克杯的话,该找谁要呢?
  Not a gift shop. 这里不是礼品店
  Janis, hi, I'm Caroline, and this is my partner, Max. 洁尼丝,我是卡洛琳,她是麦克斯。
  Loved your tape. Great characters. We are? We are. 很喜欢你们的影带,很有个性。是吗?是的。
  Look, we're about to start with the team intros. 我们将从队伍自我介绍开始。
  The other team is up first and then you. And remember to B.Y.O.B. 另一队先,然后换你们。记得是B.Y.O.B。
  Oh, if I had known I was allowed to bring a bottle in, I wouldn't have chugged it in the bathroom. 早知道允许自己带酒来,我就不把它们倒掉了。
  Max, that's not what she meant. 麦克斯,她不是这意思
  The Food Network is very PG. Janis, B.Y.O.B.? 美食频道是很老少皆宜的。洁妮丝,B.Y.O.B是指...
  "Bring your own brand." Just like you did on your home tape. "打出自己的品牌特色"。就像你们录制的影片一样。
  You're edgy with big boobs. You're the "try hard." 你是犀利巨乳姐,你是装模作样妞。
  I'm sorry, I'm the what? 抱歉,您说我是...
  That's your brand. The muscle and the hustle. The double-D's and the ditz. 那是你们的招牌。一个干活,一个废话。"胸器逼人"与"傻逼人"。
  I went to Wharton. I'm not a ditz. 我上过沃顿商学院,我才不是傻逼。
  Well you ain't the double-D's. 你也不是"胸器逼人啊"。
  Can you believe she openly commented on m'goods? 她居然这么直接地夸赞我的"胸器"?