万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-08-05&08-06, 漂浮家园(在线收听

When you call in the movers in the Netherlands these days, they may show up with tug boats instead of a van. The housing market in Holland is foined. Literally the Dutch have a * country lies below sea level have been fighting off the water for centuries, building their massive sea defenses higher and higher, but with the prospect of sea levels rising even more, they are taking a new tack. Instead of worrying that their homes will be swamped by the water, they are building homes design to float on it. Big homes, developers like Mark Van Ommen offer open plain living areas. Roof top dens leaving onto wide decks.

This is the third floor, and leaving onto this, put this particular deck area.

Bedrooms like everything else with water views. But it's not just the lifestyle that it's appealing, this sort of home. Built in factories, essentially on a big shoe bauk shape floating concrete box, can be placed in areas that are out of bounds to regular housing because of the flood risk.

There's a change within the last couple of years in Holland, twice, quite drastic, en before what you said it's fighting the water, there's more of attendance of work cooperate with the water.

Some of the homes float all the time, others normally sit on the ground, but are built on the platforms that will float up when the water comes. Across Holland, there are growing establish communities of floating homes.

The Dutch call these houses arks, like Noah's, and they perform the same function. When the flood comes, and it will though float up with it. After centuries of trying to fighting off the sea, the Dutch are finally learning to go with the float.

It's not only smart, it pays. The houses like the Wister's canalside model and the land it's moored on cost what a comfortable land based home cost. And the values have like the water than rising. Not only that, what began as an environment necessity, has become a chic.

And we've got well-known people there from Holland, so that, they work in the movies on * whatever and they live on what we *. Loyalties live in on more to a, in the last year.

So there's no shame at all obviously?

No, it's very popular, yeah.

And for a lot of reasons, becoming more popular all the time. Mark Phillips, CBS news, Amsterdam.