Here is the difference between President Bush and 1)Yogi Berra. When President Bush says something that doesnt make any sense, it doesnt make any  sense. thats the difference. As you know, a President every Saturday, I guess, has like a five-minute national radio address. How many of you have ever heard the Presidents weekly nationally broadcast radio address? Im no poll taker, but Im gonna say thats four. I am gonna put that down: four! This weekend, because of Sinco Demaio, President George Bush 2)delivered the speech in English and also in Spanish, and Bush spoke very slowly and very 3)haltingly, and that was the English part. And President Bushs favorite movie is Billy Crystals 61, you know, because Bush is the President with an asterisk, so thats his favorite movie there. But you know one of the changes that George W Bush made to the White House is, you cannot get into the Oval Office unless you are wearing a tie. That didnt use to be the case, for example, when Clinton was your President to get into the Oval Office, all you really needed was a bib. Argh!


大卫 莱特曼取笑小布什




1) Yogi Berra 美国一著名棒球运动员,说话诙谐。   

2) deliver   v. 发表演说

3) haltingly   adv. 犹豫地,优柔寡断地


