听遍美国之空难性新闻[7]:Two Passenger Boats on the Magna River Crashed(在线收听

听遍美国之社会新闻[7]:Two Passenger Boats on the Magna River Crashed into Together

In Bangladesh: Officials say 158 bodies have been recovered(1) from the crash(2) Friday of two passenger boats on the Magna River. More than 100 people are still missing. The crash happened in fog(3), near the town of Muflon. Most of the victims(4) were returning home after celebrating the Muslim(5) holiday in Dacca..


 孟加拉共和国消息: 孟加拉官方表示周五两艘客轮在梅克纳河相撞后现已找回了158具尸体。另一百多人仍下落不明。碰撞发生在Muflon镇附近,当时大雾迷朦。多数遇难者是在达卡庆祝完穆斯林节日后赶往回家的路上。


1. recover v. 找到;找回
2. crash n. 碰撞;坠毁
3. fog n. 雾
4. victim  n. 遇难者;受害者
5. Muslim  n. 穆斯林


Officials say 158 bodies have been recovered from the crash of…

