新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/12/19(在线收听

Today updated 20:00 2017/12/19南非执政党选副总统当党魁;《美国国家安全战略报告》公然列中国为竞争对手

Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi

Coming up

--China’s embassy to the US says Trump’s national security strategy report contradicts itself

--South Africa’s ruling party elects new leader

--China launches nationwide carbon trading system

For more on this , we are joining on the line Tao Wenzhao, senior research fellow of Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science, and James Rae, Professor ,Department of Government,California State University/fullbright scholar Beijing foreign studies university;Dr David Dorward, Associate Professor and Director of the African Research Institute at La Trobe University, Australia earlier spoke with Zhaoying;Zha Daojiong,professor of School of International political economy at Peking University, area focusing Energy Security.

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