老外最常用的英文短语 第656期:can't stand something (somebody)(在线收听

   can't stand 不喜欢某事,无法忍受某事

  I can't stand this (you) . 我没法忍受这个(你)了。
  Oh, God. I can't stand it any longer. 哦,天啊,我实在忍不下去了。
  I can't stand the boss. She sucks! 我实在无法忍受老板了,她真逊!
  I can't stand the smell of hot dogs. They make me sick. 我实在无法忍受热狗的味道,闻着就恶心。
  Why did you invite him? I can't stand that guy! 你为什么要邀请他?我实在无法忍受那个家伙!
  I can't stand you being here. 我无法忍受你在这里。
  You can't stand me getting closer to her. 你无法忍受我和她靠近。
  I can't stand the thought of you with another woman. 我实在无法忍受你居然和别的女人在一起!
  I can't stand that I hurt you. 我无法忍受伤害你的事实。
  I can't stand to lose. I'm sure I will win. 我无法接受失败,我确定我会胜利的。
  I can't stand Lindsey Lohan. 我无法忍受琳赛罗涵。
  Yeah, she is always getting in trouble. 恩,她总是会惹一些麻烦。
  We're going to have salad before dinner 我们要在晚饭前来点沙拉。
  Oh no! I can't stand eating salad. 不要啊!我可吃不了沙拉。
  I can't stand that I didn't get into Harvard. 我真无法接受我没能考进哈佛的事实。
  It's very difficult to get into that school. 要进入那所大学可不是件容易的事情。