旅游英语口语就该这么说:第11期 旅游准备 联系旅行社(在线收听

 Is there a tour goes to Shanghai these days? 这些天有到上海的旅行吗?

Yes.The tour that goes to Shanghai leaves every other day. 有的。到上海的旅行每隔一天发团一次。
How often does this line set out? 这条线多长时间发一次团?
How long does it take to complete the tour? 完成旅行要多长时间?
If we go on package tour,we don't have to worry about accommodation meals and so on. 如果我们的旅游由旅行社承包,那么我们就不必为食宿之类的事操心了。
What about the hotel fee? 旅馆费是多少钱?