英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable1109 - 连番茄炒蛋都不会做还敢出国?(在线收听

Topic1-Ctrip apologizes for child abuse in day care center

Surveillance video footage of child abuse in an in-house day care center of Ctrip, an online provider of travel services, has gone viral.
Who is at fault? How can we ensure children be protected and cared for when parents are not watching?
Topic2-Tomato Omelet and a Real International Student Experience
Recently, a commercial has made the tomato and fried egg dish a buzz word on Chinese social media. The ad portrayed a "tear jerking" story of parents getting up at the middle of the night, and demonstrating how to cook the dish to their child who's studying abroad.
Are the parents going too far in cuddling children? Are Chinese students studying abroad too reliant on mommy and daddy? What's made this commercial controversial?
Topic3-Popularity at work still matters whether we like it or not
If your workplace sometimes feels frustratingly like re-living high school all over again, that may not be a coincidence.
Psychological research suggests that the same popularity dynamics that we remember from adolescence are not altogether different from the social rules that continue to govern our lives as adults.
Of course, we don't often talk about our professional relationships in terms of "popularity", but just like in high school, in most workplaces there are those who are most accepted, rejected, neglected, and controversial. And remarkably, our positions within this social hierarchy still matter more than we may ever have thought.     