实战口语情景对话 第98期:一百万美金 A Million Dollars(在线收听

 Todd: OK, Keith, if you won 1,000,000 dollars? No, wait, 10,000,000 dollars. 基思,如果你赢得了1百万美元,不,1千万美元,你会怎么做?

Keith: 10,000,000. 1千万。
Todd: If you won 10,000,000, what would you do? 如果你赢得1千万,你会做什么?
Keith: Well, first thing I'd do, I'd probably buy a nice house for me and my wife. 首先我可能会为我和妻子买座很棒的房子。
Todd: OK, where would this house be? 你想买哪里的房子?
Keith: Oh, I don't know. We'll have to talk about that with the wife but probably somewhere near Tokyo. 我不知道。我们得和我妻子商量一下,但我估计会在距离东京不远的地方买。
Todd: OK. Would yo buy a house in the city or the country? 你打算在城市还是郊区买房子?
Keith: Well, a little further out of the middle of Tokyo. 大概会在东京中心地区外围买。
Todd: So, it'd be in Japan.? 那么,肯定是在日本买房了?
Keith: Yeah, in Japan, but some place not too crowded. 是的,在日本,但我会选择人口不太稠密的地区。
Todd: OK, would you have animals at this house? 好的,你会在自己的房子里养狗吗?
Keith: Not if I could help it. 我会尽量不养。
Todd: Really. No dog? 真的吗,不养狗?
Keith: Well, maybe a dog, but an outside dog. 也许会养一只狗,但会是在户外养的狗。
Todd: You got to have a dog, man. 你得养只狗的。