美联社新闻一分钟 2007-08-10(在线收听

1. Divers find two more bodies where a highway bridge collapsed in Minneapolis, bringing the death toll to seven with six still missing. Investigators say design flaws in steel plates holding the bridge together may be to blame for the disaster.

2. Crews drilling toward trapped coal miners in Utah may reach the six men tonight. There has been no communication with the miners since a cave-in on Monday. One hole is for a microphone and camera. A larger hole will bring food and water.

3. A man in Newark, New Jersey charged in the slayings of three college students surrenders, but only to the city's mayor. Another suspect, a fifteen-year-old, was caught earlier. Mayor Cory Booker says he had nothing to say to the surrendering suspect.

4. SUV drivers in Europe, beware! Environmental activists are targeting the large vehicles, giving them mud baths, putting stickers on windows. They say 4×4s are intimidating on the road and damage the climate.


1. slay: verb
to kill someone - used especially in newspapers