名人认知系列 文人骚客18:Tan Sitong: A Scholar and Martyr 谭嗣同:为国赴难的学者(在线收听

Tan Sitong: A Scholar and Martyr


Tan Sitong(1865—1898), native of Hu’nan province. He was a famous reformist who was well versed with both writing and sword. Tan Sitong loved reading extensively and was especially keen on the knowledge of governing and benefiting the people. He also showed remarkable gift in writing.

谭嗣同,湖南浏阳人,擅于写文章,长于剑术, 是著名的维新人物。他读书务求广博,好讲经世救民的学问,文章写得很好。

In 1894, the Sino-Chinese War broke out. The corrupt and incompetent Qing government ended up with thorough failure and signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, one that humiliated the whole nation and forfeited its sovereignty. Tan Sitong felt extremely indignant at the whole at the injustice of the invasion by the imperialist countries and was against the treaty. He realized that the survival of the nation depended on the reform of rotten feudalism.

1894年,中日甲午战争爆发。由于清政府的腐败无能和妥协退让,中国战败并签订了丧权辱国的《马关条约》。谭嗣同对帝国主义的侵略义愤填膺,坚决反对签订和约。他感到必须对腐朽的封建专制制度进行改革, 才能够救亡图存。

Between summer and autumn of 1897,Tan Sitong wrote an important kook Treatise On Benevolence, the first reformist’s philosophical works. In the book, he vehemently lashed on the feudalism. In the early 1898,he went to Hu'nan to help promote new policies in the Current Affairs School and make the school a true cradle of reformists.

1897年夏、秋季间,谭嗣同写成了重要著作《仁学》,这是维新派的第一部哲学著作,书中愤怒地抨击了封建君主专制制度。1898年初,谭嗣同到湖南举办新政。 首先加强了时务学堂的维新派力量,使时务学堂真正成了培养维新志士的摇篮。

The active Tan Sitong did soon draw the attention from emperor Guangxu who was also keen on reform. On September 5, emperor Guanxu summoned him again and expressed his determination for reform. On September 18,Tan Sitong paid a night visit to Yuan Shikai and requested him to lead his army into Beijing to eliminate the conservatives. Because of Yuan’s betray, the empress ordered to arrest the reformists on the 21th. Tan Sitong tried every means to save his emperor but failed. He eventually determined to sacrifice his life for the reform. The Japanese consulate once had their liaison to offer him “protection”, while Tan Sitong flatly refused. While in the jail, Tan Sitong remained at ease and wrote a poem to show his determination.

他的积极行动引起了立志变法的光绪皇帝的重视。 1893年9月5日,光绪再次召见他,表明自己变法的决心。9月18日,谭嗣同夜访袁世凯,要求袁世凯带兵入京除掉顽固派。由于袁世凯的背叛,21日,慈禧太后下令捉拿维新派。谭嗣同设法营救光绪而失敗,决心 以死来殉变法事北。日本使馆曾派人与他联系,表示可以为他提供“保护”,他毅然拒绝。在狱中,他神态从容,镇定自若,并写诗表达自己变法的决心。

On September 28, Tan Sitong was sent for execution, fearless. Executed together with him were five other reformists — Lin Xu, Yang Shenxiu, Liu Guangdi, Yang Rui and Kang Guangren, all were collectively known as “the six men of honor of 1898”. Their sacrificial heroism were touching to the people watching the execution. While the last words of Tan Sitong encouraged generations to come to devote themselves to heir motherland.

