留美老师带你每日说英文 第915期:蚊虫叮咬(在线收听

 Just imagine, instead of being a stupid comment, a microaggression is a mosquito bite. Argh, It's a compliment! Mosquito bites and their itch are one of nature's most annoying features.

1.imagine 想象
imagine (v.) 想象
image (n.) 映像,影像,图像
imagination (n.) 想象力
2.compliment 赞美的话,恭维
compliment (n.) 赞美的话,恭维
complimentary (adj.) 免费的
3.itch 发痒
itch (v.) 发痒
ache (v.) 疼痛
sore (n.) 痛处
4.annoying 讨厌的,恼人的
annoying (adj.) 讨厌的,恼人的
irritating (v.) 激怒,恼怒,生气
provoking (adj.) 令人生气的