
President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, South Korea's National Security Advisor Chung Eiu-Yong announced after he met with Mr. Trump at the White House. Mr. Chung praised President Trump's leadership and his maximum pressure policy, together with international solidarity for making such a meeting possible. It would be the first face-to-face meeting between a sitting U.S. President and a North Korean leader.


Mr. Chung led a delegation from South Korea which met with Kim Jong-un earlier this month in Pyongyang. He told reporters that the North Korean leader claimed he was committed to denuclearization and pledged that North Korea will refrain from any further nuclear or missile tests. He also said that Kim understands that routine joint military exercises between the Republic of Korea and the United States must continue.


North Korea's desire to meet to discuss denuclearization – while suspending all ballistic missile and nuclear testing – is evidence that President Trump's strategy to isolate the Kim regime is working, said Vice President Mike Pence in a written statement. The North Koreans are coming to the table despite the United States making zero concessions and, in close coordination with our allies, we have consistently increased the pressure on the Kim regime. Our resolve is undeterred and our policy remains the same, Mr. Pence declared. All sanctions remain in place and the maximum pressure campaign will continue until North Korea takes concrete, permanent, and verifiable steps to end their nuclear program.

朝鲜有意愿进行会晤并讨论无核化事宜——同时也停止了所有弹道导弹试验和核试验——这表明,特朗普孤立金正恩政府的战略开始生效,副总统迈克 彭斯(Mike Pence)在一份纸质声明中写道。即便没有做出任何让步,朝鲜还是决定会谈。在与我们各个盟友的紧密配合下,我们一直在对金正恩政府加大试压。我们的决心不可动摇,我们的政策不会改变,彭斯如是说道。依然要保留所有制裁措施,最大压力政策也要继续,除非朝鲜采取具体、永久、可证实的措施来停止核项目。

The time and place of a meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un have yet to be determined. At a press briefing, White House Spokesman Sarah Sanders noted, If we can get to a place where North Korea is denuclearizing, that is a massive step, and it's something that will make the entire globe much safer.

特朗普总统与金正恩会晤的时间和地点尚未确定。在新闻发布会上,白宫发言人萨拉 桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)强调如果朝鲜能够实现无核化,这将是巨大的一步,会使全球更加安全。
