学个词 39:cast ballot(在线收听

 今天要学的词组是cast ballot。Cast ballot就是投票。美国是多种族的国家,有的政客以为 "voters can be counted on to cast ballots along racial lines" -- 他们以为选民们肯定会按照种族的界限来投票。结果呢? 一位白种候选人在黑人占多数的首都华盛顿获得大胜。 

每个选民都应该去投票站投票。"Every voter should go to the polling station to cast a ballot," 因为这是每个公民的民主权利。可是,首都附近马里兰州有些投票站出了故障,"a lot of voters were not able to cast their ballots," 许多选民无法投票。有关人员决心要保证 "voters could cast their ballots without a hitch in November," 选民在十一月投票时不会有问题。今天学的词组是cast ballot...