实战口语情景对话 第349期:Routine 日常生活(在线收听

   Hi, I'm Mike and this is my daily routine. I get up early every day, around 6:30 and I go to the gym for a work-out before I go to work. I usually do aerobic exercise for awhile and then do some weight lifting for maybe half an hour at the gym, then I'll return home, and as I work from my home, I turn on my computer and start working on what needs to be done. I usually skip breakfast and I'll work until about 12:00 then I'll prepare lunch and have a fairly big lunch because I don't eat breakfast. Then after lunch, I'll go back, continue working on Internet or whatever I have to do for work, until about 6:00 when I usually start getting phone calls from friends of mine who live abroad and then in the evenings if I'm not using my time doing things with the Internet or surfing the web, then I'm speaking to people on the Internet or on my phone and that pretty much sums up my usual daily routine. 大家好,我是迈克,这是我的日常生活。我每天都早起,大概早上6点半起床,之后我会在上班前去健身房锻炼。通常我会做一会儿有氧运动,然后在健身房做大约半个小时的举重练习,结束后就会回家,我在家工作,所以我会打开电脑,开始做需要完成的工作。我一般不吃早餐,工作到中午12点左右,之后我会准备午餐,午餐我会吃得很丰盛,因为我没有吃早点。午餐后我会继续在网上或是进行其他需要完成的工作,一直工作到下午6点,之后我会开始和住在国外的朋友们通电话,晚上如果我不上网浏览或是上网冲浪,我会和朋友们在网上聊天或是打电话聊天,通常我的日常工作就是这样了。
