向前一步:第6期 导言 内心的革命(6)(在线收听

 It has been more than two decades since I entered the workforce, and so much is still the same. 我参加工作已经20多年了,情况依旧没有什么改变。

It is time for us to face the fact that our revolution has stalled. 是时候面对现实了,我们的革命停滞不前,
The promise of equality is not the same as true equality. 允诺平等并不等于真正的平等。
A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes. 在一个真正平等的世界里,国家与企业的管理者中有一半是女性,家庭事务的主持者中有一半是男性。
I believe that this would be a better world. 我相信这将会是个更好的世界。
The laws of economics and many studies of diversity tell us 经济学理论以及关于多元化的不少研究都显示,
that if we tapped the entire pool of human resources and talent, our collective performance would improve. 如果我们能将人力和人才资源进行整体分流,那么将会带来更好的工作业绩。
Legendary investor Warren Buffett has stated generously  沃伦·巴菲特很坦诚地说过,
that one of the reasons for his great success was that he was competing with only half of the population. 他之所以能取得这么大的成功,原因之一在于他只需要和这个国家的一半人口——男性进行竞争。
The Warren Buffetts of my generation are still largely enjoying this advantage. 我们这一代人中的巴菲特们仍然在很大程度上享受着这个优势。
When more people get in the race, more records will be broken. 当参加赛跑的人越来越多,就会有更多的纪录被打破,
And the achievements will extend beyond those individuals to benefit us all. 而这样做的益处不仅在于个人取得的成就。
The night before Leymah Gbowee won the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize for helping to lead the women's protests that toppled Liberia's dictator, 2011年,莱曼·古博韦因引领利比里亚妇女推倒独裁者的抗议运动而被授予诺贝尔和平奖。获奖的前一晚,
she was at a book party in my home. 她参加了在我家举办的新书聚会,
We were celebrating the publication of her autobiography, Mighty Be Our Powers, but it was a somber night. 我们专门为她庆祝她的自传《我们女人力量大》一书的出版。但是,那晚的气氛很冷清。
A guest asked her how American women could help those who experienced the horrors and mass rapes of war in places like Liberia. 一个客人问她,美国女性怎样才能帮助像利比里亚那样遥远的国家中正饱受战争的折磨和掠夺的女性。
Her response was four simple words: "More women in power." 她的回答很简单:“让更多的女人获得权力。”