
 You have a chill? Royce asked. 你受寒了?罗伊斯问。

Some,Will muttered. The wind, my lord. 有点罢,威尔喃喃道,大人,是风的关系啊。
The young knight turned back to his grizzled man-at-arms.  年轻骑士转头面对灰发老兵。
Frostfallen leaves whispered past them, and Royce’s destrier moved restlessly.  结霜的落叶在他们耳边低语飘零,罗伊斯的战马局促不安。
What do you think might have killed these men, Gared?Ser Waymar asked casually.  盖瑞,你觉得是谁杀了这些人?威玛爵士随口问,
He adjusted the drape of his long sable cloak. 顺手整了整貂皮长袍的褶裥。
It was the cold,Gared said with iron certainty.  是这该死的天气,盖瑞斩钉截铁地说,
I saw men freeze last winter, and the one before, when I was half a boy.  上个严冬,我亲眼见人活活冻死,再之前那次也看过,当时我还是个孩子。
Everyone talks about snows forty feet deep, and how the ice wind comes howling out of the north,  人人都说当时积雪深达四十尺,北风冷得跟玄冰似的,
but the real enemy is the cold. It steals up on you quieter than Will,  但真正要命的却是低温。它会无声无息地逮住你,比威尔还安静,
and at first you shiver and your teeth chatter and you stamp your feet and dream of mulled wine and nice hot fires.  起初你会发抖、牙齿打颤、两腿一伸,梦见滚烫的酒,温暖的营火。
It burns, it does. Nothing burns like the cold. But only for a while. Then it gets inside you and starts to fill you up,  很烫人,是的,再也没什么像寒冷那样烫人了。但只消一会儿,它便会钻进你体内,填满你的身体,
and after a while you don’t have the strength to fight it.  过不了多久你就没力气抵抗,
It’s easier just to sit down or go to sleep. They say you don’t feel any pain toward the end. First you go weak and drowsy,  渴望坐下休息或小睡片刻,据说到最后完全不觉痛苦。你只是浑身无力,昏昏欲睡,
and everything starts to fade, and then it’s like sinking into a sea of warm milk. Peaceful, like. 然后一切渐渐消逝,最后,就像淹没在热牛奶里一样,安详而恬静。
Such eloquence, Gared,Ser Waymar observed. I never suspected you had it in you. 我看你蛮有诗意嘛,威玛爵士下了评论,没想到你还有这方面的天分。
I’ve had the cold in me too, lordling.Gared pulled back his hood,  大人,我亲身体验过严寒的威力,盖瑞往后拉开他的兜帽,
giving Ser Waymar a good long look at the stumps where his ears had been.  好让威玛爵士看清楚他耳朵冻掉之后剩下的肉团。
Two ears, three toes, and the little finger off my left hand. I got off light.  两只耳朵,三根脚趾,还有左手的小指,我这算是轻伤了。
We found my brother frozen at his watch, with a smile on his face. 我大哥当年就是站岗的时候活活冻死的,等我们找到他,他脸上还挂着笑容。