冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第104期:第八章 布兰(4)(在线收听

 He was still trying to decide on a name. Robb was calling his Grey Wind, because he ran so fast.  他到现在还无法决定给它取什么名字。罗柏的狼叫做"灰风",因为它跑起来迅捷如风;

Sansa had named hers Lady, and Arya named hers after some old witch queen in the songs,  珊莎的叫做"淑女";艾莉亚用歌谣里某个古老的女巫王为她的狼命名;
and little Rickon called his Shaggydog, which Bran thought was a pretty stupid name for a direwolf.  小瑞肯则把他的狼叫做"毛毛狗"——布兰觉得给冰原狼起这种名字实在很蠢;
Jon’s wolf, the white one, was Ghost. Bran wished he had thought of that first, even though his wolf wasn’t white.  琼恩的那只白狼叫白灵。布兰真希望自己比琼恩先想到这个名字,即使他的狼毛色不是很白。
He had tried a hundred names in the last fortnight, but none of them sounded right. 过去这两周以来,他不知道已经想过多少名字了,偏偏就是没一个听来顺耳。
Finally he got tired of the stick game and decided to go climbing.  最后他累了,便决定去爬墙。最近发生了这么多事情,
He hadn’t been up to the broken tower for weeks with everything that had happened, and this might be his last chance. 他已经好几个星期没爬到残塔上玩了,这说不定还是他最后的机会呢。
He raced across the godswood, taking the long way around to avoid the pool where the heart tree grew.  于是他拔腿跑过神木林,还特地绕路避开心树旁边的那泓冷泉。
The heart tree had always frightened him; trees ought not have eyes, Bran thought, or leaves that looked like hands.  布兰一直很怕心树,他总觉得树不应该长眼睛,叶子也不该生成手掌的模样。
His wolf came sprinting at his heels. You stay here, he told him at the base of the sentinel tree near the armory wall.  小狼跟在他身边。"你留在这儿。"他在武器库墙外哨兵树下对它说,
Lie down. That’s right. Now stay... "乖乖躺下,对,就这样,留在这儿别动——"
The wolf did as he was told. Bran scratched him behind the ears, then turned away, jumped, grabbed a low branch, and pulled himself up.  小狼果然乖乖地留在原地,布兰搔了搔它的耳后根,然后转身一跃,抓住低垂的枝干,一翻身便上了树。
He was halfway up the tree, moving easily from limb to limb, when the wolf got to his feet and began to howl. 可当他爬到一半,正游刃有余地穿梭枝丫时,小狼却霍地起身嗥叫开来。
Bran looked back down. His wolf fell silent, staring up at him through slitted yellow eyes. 布兰低头一看,小狼便立刻安静,睁大那双亮闪闪的黄色眼珠往上瞧。