冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第112期:第八章 布兰(12)(在线收听

 Do you think the king will require proof?” the woman said. I tell you, he loves me not.” "告诉我,你觉得国王会需要什么证据?"女人回答,"他根本就不爱我!"

And whose fault is that, sweet sister?” "好姐姐,这是谁的错啊?"
Bran studied the ledge. He could drop down. It was too narrow to land on, but if he could catch hold as he fell past, pull himself up?.?.?.? 布兰仔细看看窗棂,他应该可以跳下去,虽然窗棂太窄,没法站稳,但他可以在坠落的时候钩住,然后再攀上去……
except that might make a noise, draw them to the window. He was not sure what he was hearing, but he knew it was not meant for his ears. 怕只怕会弄出声音,引来他们的注意。他不太了解所听到的事情,只是很确定这些话不是说给他听的。
You are as blind as Robert,” the woman was saying. "你和劳勃一样都瞎了眼。"女人说。
If you mean I see the same thing, yes,” the man said. I see a man who would sooner die than betray his king.” "如果你的意思是我和他看法一致,没有错,"男人答道,"我眼中的艾德·史塔克是个宁死也不愿背叛国王的人。"
He betrayed one already, or have you forgotten?” the woman said. Oh, I don’t deny he’s loyal to Robert, that’s obvious.  "他已经背叛过一个国王,你难道忘了吗?"女人道,"噢,我不否认他对劳勃忠心耿耿,这毋庸置疑,
What happens when Robert dies and Joff takes the throne? And the sooner that comes to pass, the safer we’ll all be.  但要是劳勃死了,小乔继承王位呢?而劳勃越早死,我们便越安全。
My husband grows more restless every day. Having Stark beside him will only make him worse.  我丈夫近来愈加焦躁不安,让史塔克随侍他身旁只会让情况恶化。
He’s still in love with the sister, the insipid little dead sixteen-year-old. How long till he decides to put me aside for some new Lyanna?” 他到现在还爱着那个死了的十六岁小妹,谁知道哪天他会为了新的莱安娜,把我丢到一边?"
Bran was suddenly very frightened. He wanted nothing so much as to go back the way he had come, to find his brothers.  布兰突然觉得害怕极了,此时的他只想赶快循原路回去,去找他的兄弟寻求协助。
Only what would he tell them? He had to get closer, Bran realized. He had to see who was talking. 然而他要告诉他们些什么呢?布兰明白自己非再靠近一点不可,他得看看说话的人是谁。
The man sighed. You should think less about the future and more about the pleasures at hand.” 男人叹道:"你别老担心未来的事,多想想眼前的幸福罢。"